Mongoose 5.12.0 was released on March 11, 2021. This new release includes a few neat new features. In this article, I'd like to highlight a particularly useful
new feature: the new transform
option for populate()
. This option lets you register a function that Mongoose will call on every populated document, which gives you more fine-grained control over what the results of populate()
look like.
Initial Motivation: null
if Not Found
The primary motivation for this new feature is the fact that, before Mongoose 5.12, populate()
would always set values
to null
if the referenced document wasn't found.
In the below example, the child
and children
properties both
point to an _id
with no corresponding Child
document. The populate()
function replaces the _id
with null
const Child = mongoose.model('Child', mongoose.Schema({ name: String }));
const Parent = mongoose.model('Parent', mongoose.Schema({
child: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Child' },
children: [{ type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Child' }]
const validId = await Child.create({ name: 'Luke' }).then(doc => doc._id);
// No child with this `_id`
const invalidId = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId();
let doc = await Parent.create({
child: invalidId,
children: [invalidId, validId]
doc = await Parent.findById(doc).populate([
// Mongoose will filter out `null` unless you set `retainNullValues`
{ path: 'children', options: { retainNullValues: true } }
doc.child; // null
doc.children; // [ null, { _id: 605b65ab78930836e101955a, name: 'Luke', __v: 0 } ]
The original motivation for the transform
option was the ability to leave the unpopulated _id
if no document was found, instead of explicitly setting the value to null
. With that
in mind, Mongoose calls the transform
function with 2 arguments: the populated doc, and the original id that was used
to populate this doc. Mongoose then uses the return value from the transform
function as the populated doc. Here's
how you can tell Mongoose to leave the populated path as an ObjectId if no document was found:
doc = await Parent.findById(doc).populate([
path: 'child',
transform: (doc, id) => doc == null ? id : doc
path: 'children',
options: { retainNullValues: true },
transform: (doc, id) => doc == null ? id : doc
// Mongoose uses the value the `transform()` function returned
doc.child; // 605b681bee716b3b8d83b51b
doc.children; // [ 605b681bee716b3b8d83b51b, { _id: 605b65ab78930836e101955a, name: 'Luke', __v: 0 } ]
Flattening Objects in Populate
The transform()
function can return any value: it isn't limited to just documents. For example, suppose you want populate()
to give you an array of strings, rather than an array of documents with a string property name
. You can use transform()
to return the child's name
const children = await Child.create([{ name: 'Luke' }, { name: 'Leia' }]);
let doc = await Parent.create({ children });
doc = await Parent.findById(doc).populate([{
path: 'children',
transform: doc => doc == null ? null :
// `children` will be an array of strings rather than an array of documents
console.log(doc.children); // ["Luke","Leia"]
Moving On
The transform()
option gives extra fine grained control over the results of populate()
. It's just one of the 10 new features in Mongoose 5.12. There are several other neat features, including Query#pre()
and Query#post()
, and a getPopulatedDocs()
method for documents that returns an array of all populated documents on a given document. You can find the
full list on the Mongoose changelog. Make sure you upgrade to
take advantage of all the new features!
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