One of the most compelling reasons for async/await is the fact that async functions generally feel like simplified threads, or threads with predictable interrupts. There are numerous technical differences, of course. But the concept of async/await should seem familiar to anyone that's ever, say, written a background thread for fetching images while scrolling in an iPhone or Android app. Going the other way, you can use async/await to write code that feels very imperative, rather than JavaScript's usual reactive style:

const http = require('http');

// Reactive web server
  createServer((req, res) => {
    res.statusCode = 200;
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
    res.end('Hello World\n');

// Imperative web server. Just a thought experiment, don't run this
// code in production please :)
run().catch(error => console.error(error.stack));

async function run() {
  const server = http.createServer().listen(4004);
  // Convert reactive (listening to an event stream) to imperative (calling
  // a function that returns a promise and awaiting on it)
  const next = () => new Promise(resolve => {
    server.on('request', (req, res) => resolve({ req, res }));

  while (true) {
    const { res } = await next();
    res.statusCode = 200;
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
    res.end('Hello World, Imperative\n');

So if async functions are analogous to background threads, how do mutexes look in JavaScript? In this article, I'll demonstrate analogs to locks and barriers using promises. Please note that these examples are meant to be didactic, they're (probably) not production-ready.


Locks are the simplest form of mutex. A lock is a mechanism for making sure that only one of many concurrently running functions can access a resource at a given time. In Node.js, the most common use case for locking is ensuring that two request handlers don't conflict in their interactions with the database. You can achieve this implicitly by queueing, but queueing can be too heavy-handed and not give sufficiently fine grained control to the individual function.

Here's how using a lock for an HTTP server that needs to execute a separate query to make sure there's no user with a given email address might look. Keep in mind this code uses an in-memory lock, so it will work for a single process, but you need distributed locking if you want to scale this horizontally.

const Archetype = require('archetype');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const express = require('express');
const mongodb = require('mongodb');

run().catch(error => console.error(error));

async function run() {
  const db = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test');
  const app = express();

  const UserType = new Archetype({
    email: {
      $type: 'string',
      $required: true

  const lock = new Lock();'/user', wrap(async function register(req) {
    const user = new UserType(req.body); =;
    // Search for existing user unless email ends with given string
    if (!'')) {
      // We need to acquire the lock to make sure we can safely query and
      // then later insert without another `register()` function inserting
      // a user with the same email at the same time.
      await lock.acquire();
      const existingUser = await db.collection('User').findOne({ email: });
      if (existingUser != null) {
        throw new Error(`User already exists with email ${}`);
    // Safe for a single process, because of the lock
    await db.collection('User').insertOne(user);
    // In this case, releasing a lock that hasn't been acquired is
    // assumed to be a no-op rather than an error.
    return { user };


function wrap(fn) {
  return function(req, res, next) {
    fn(req).then(returnVal => res.json(returnVal)).catch(err => res.status(500).json({ message: err.message }));

Assuming that await lock.acquire() "blocks" the function until it can ensure that its the only instance of register() running, locking will prevent the glaring race condition in the above code. Without locks or queueing, two instances of register() running with the same email address may both run findOne() at the same time and then think they're good to insert.

Below is how a simple lock might work. This code isn't production-ready but is a handy example of how you might implement in-memory locking in JavaScript.

const { EventEmitter } = require('events');

class Lock {
  constructor() {
    this._locked = false;
    this._ee = new EventEmitter();

  acquire() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      // If nobody has the lock, take it and resolve immediately
      if (!this._locked) {
        // Safe because JS doesn't interrupt you on synchronous operations,
        // so no need for compare-and-swap or anything like that.
        this._locked = true;
        return resolve();

      // Otherwise, wait until somebody releases the lock and try again
      const tryAcquire = () => {
        if (!this._locked) {
          this._locked = true;
          this._ee.removeListener('release', tryAcquire);
          return resolve();
      this._ee.on('release', tryAcquire);

  release() {
    // Release the lock immediately
    this._locked = false;
    setImmediate(() => this._ee.emit('release'));


Barriers are a much more fun mutex. Whereas a lock blocks multiple threads from running the same code at the same time, barriers block multiple threads from proceeding until sufficiently many have reached the barrier. In JS, a barrier can hold multiple async functions until sufficiently many have reached a certain point.

In many ways, Promise.all() behaves like a barrier. It blocks an async function from continuing until every async function has resolved. Unfortunately, Promise.all() is not sufficient for all use cases. For example, suppose you have the register() function from the previous example and you want to test that it errors if you call it twice in rapid succession using mocha:

const Archetype = require('archetype');

const lock = new Lock();

const UserType = new Archetype({
  email: {
    $type: 'string',
    $required: true

module.exports = db => async function register(params) {
  const user = new UserType(params); =;
  // Search for existing user unless email ends with given string
  if (!'')) {
    // We need to acquire the lock to make sure we can safely query and
    // then later insert without another `register()` function inserting
    // a user with the same email at the same time.
    await lock.acquire();
    const existingUser = await db.collection('User').findOne({ email: });
    if (existingUser != null) {
      throw new Error(`User already exists with email ${}`);
  // Safe for a single process, because of the lock
  await db.collection('User').insertOne(user);
  // In this case, releasing a lock that hasn't been acquired is
  // assumed to be a no-op rather than an error.
  return { user };

Here's how a mocha test for the above function might look:

const assert = require('assert');
const mongodb = require('mongodb');
const register = require('./test.js');

describe('register', function() {
  let db;

  before(async function() {
    db = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test');

  beforeEach(async function() {
    await db.dropDatabase();

  it('errors if called concurrently', async function() {
    let threw = false;
    try {
      // Red flag: `Promise.all()` rejects immediately when one function
      // rejects, so the successful `register()` call might still be running
      // when the test is done and leak state!
      await Promise.all([
        register(db)({ email: 'test@test' }),
        register(db)({ email: 'test@test' })
    } catch (error) {
      assert.ok(error.message.indexOf('test@test') !== -1, error.message);
      threw = true;

There's a big problem with this test case: by design, it doesn't wait for all register() calls to finish running before finishing the test. Promise.all() rejects immediately when one of the promises rejects, but the other promises are still running! This can lead to hard-to-debug errors in other tests because the successful register() will continue running after the test is done!

An alternative to Promise.all() that works well for this case is referred to as settleAll() in the bluebird docs, but I've been calling it Promise.barrier() of late. Here's an idea of how you might implement it.

Promise.barrier = function(promises) {
  // Number of outstanding promises
  let remaining = promises.length;
  // Track the first error that occurred. If we got an error, reject
  // with that error when all promises have settled
  let error = null;
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < promises.length; ++i) {
        then(res => {
          // Have all the promises settled?
          if (!--remaining) {
            // If we had an error, reject with the first error. Otherwise
            // resolve to undefined.
            error != null ? reject(error) : resolve();
        catch(_error => {
          error = error || _error;
          if (!--remaining) {

Moving On

Async/await allows you to write blocks of imperative code that look like threads in JavaScript. But, just because JavaScript is single threaded doesn't mean you don't need mutexes. With async/await and distributed computing, mutexes, particularly distributed locks, are more important than ever. Look forward to more content about locking in JavaScript in the near future!

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